- call-next-macro - Here's a macro example that may be less of a headache to understand than rebinding
- CLPfAI - Common Lisp Programming for Artificial Intelligence
- COLLECTING - Common Lispy ways of collecting values during evaluation are diverse; here we discuss some well established and some proposed
- GENSYMLET - (defmacro gensymlet ((&rest bindings) &body body)
- Infix - The infix notation for arithmetic in Common Lisp
- List Comprehension - Refer to Wikipedia's article on List Comprehension
- memoize-form - A simpler need than memoizing the results of a function with arguments is that of memoizing the results of a form
- Named multiple-values - Named-multiple-values is a piece of macrology that enables one to deal with
- ORF - A macro seen in some utility/convenience layers
- Programming style - These are suggestions for programming style, some undisputable, some my (Stanisław Halik) whims
- rebinding - Here's a macro example
- Special Slots - A kind of pseudo-slot where the value is stored in a hidden symbol-value outside of the instance
- with-unique-names - Macro WITH-UNIQUE-NAMES
macro example
Some CLiki pages contain Lisp macros: